Competition & Rules

Weight Loss Challenge Competition
  •  Starts January 1st to April 1st
  •  Everyone who wants to join pays $10 towards the monthly mini prizes and the grand prize at the end. All of the money collected will go towards the prizes.
  • Weigh yourself every Monday and e-mail us your percentage loss at by 12pm (Make sure you read the weigh in rules).  We are basing this competition on your weight loss % so it is fair and you do not need to tell everyone what your weight actually is!
  •   Be on the lookout for monthly mini competitions, new healthy recipes, or workout tips on the site.
  •  Share your own stories, recipes, before and after pictures, tips, or anything else you would like by e-mailing us at and we will post it on the site for everyone to see.  Please share!
  •   At the end of 3 months everyone will calculate their weight loss percentage and the person who has lost the most % will win the money!

Weigh In Rules
  •   Please be honest!
  •  Weigh yourself at the same time every day (i.e in the mornings, or after your shower)
  • Try to wear the same clothes (or lack thereof J ) every time you weigh yourself so it is accurate.
  • E-mail us your weight loss percentage EVERY MONDAY by 12pm so we can tally up the numbers and share it on the site.
How to calculate your weight loss percentage:
Remember your initial weight ( IW )
Figure out your actual weight now ( AW )
Now calculate:

((IW-AW)/IW) * 100 = weight loss percentage

ex. 180-175 = 5        5/180 = 0.027      0.027 * 100 = 2.7     2.7% weight loss

It’s not as complicated as it initially seems: all you do is subtract your actual weight from your initial weight and divide the number obtained by your initial weight. Multiply the result with 100 and you’ll get the exact percent.

To skip the math click here!